Release: Taxpayers Welcome NSW Lockouts Repeal

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, a 75,000+ member grassroots advocacy group representing the nation’s taxpayers, today commended the NSW Joint Select Committee on Sydney's Night Time Economy for recommending the abolition of Sydney’s lockout laws and 3 am last drinks outside of Kings Cross as soon as practical, as well as a suite of other restrictions on responsible taxpaying adult drinkers and hardworking businesses.

“The ATA has long lobbied the NSW government to reform draconian, anti-business drinking regulations. We're proud to see that the recommendations of today’s report show that NSW politicians are finally beginning to treat responsible drinkers like grown ups.” said Satya Marar, ATA Director of Policy.

“While the NSW government has already decided to scrap lockout laws outside Kings Cross, we were also excited to see that the committee recommends that shots and unmixed drinks be allowed after midnight again, that bottle shops be allowed to remain open until midnight, and that 24-hour transport options be investigated. These reforms would go a long way towards undermining Sydney’s status as a night-time ghost town while supporting hardworking businesses that make up NSW’s night-time economy, as well as their workers.

“And while Kings Cross residents may or may not support future moves to repeal lockouts in the suburb, this is a local matter and should be left to their council- not a state government dictate.

“We nonetheless welcome the many steps in the right direction contained in today’s report and call on the NSW government to pass these reforms immediately to support a thriving 24/7 Sydney economy that rewards businesses, workers, and responsible revelers who’ve earned a pint or three after a long work week spent generating the tax revenue used to fund pro-nanny state bureaucrats and apparatchiks like those who supported lockout laws.”